Why I Wrote this book
Learn the Lingo
First-Hand Accounts
Save Time & Money
Know the Gear
DOs and DON'Ts
Camp with Confidence
"17 States in 3 weeks. Never would've made it out of the driveway, if it weren't for this book. Thanks Tommy!"
– Bernie C. – Connecticut
“Last year a friend of mine had purchased a brand-new RV. He upgraded from his old pop-up to a brand new tow behind travel trailer. He was so excited to show it to me, and frankly, I could not wait to see it. As I pulled into his driveway, there it was, his brand new RV. It still had the stock number sticker on the window. We both took our time looking at all the new features in his new recreational vehicle. We inspected it from top to bottom, inside and out. I did my best to explain some of the more recent accessories and how they worked. There were different water connections that he had never seen before. I explained what each one was for and how to use them. It turns out the RV salesman was great, but didn’t take the time to explain how to use all this new equipment.”
Excerpt From
Tb’s Lets go Camping for first time RV’ers
Thomas Babon
About the author

I am a married, 57-year-old contractor with a 15-year-old daughter. I have been camping most of my life, starting with my parents and two younger brothers when I was a child. We started with a canvas pop-up camper and then a solid-state Apache pop up and eventually, we graduated to a small travel trailer. Later in my life, camping seemed to start up again. This time it was with my girlfriend, who is now my wife. We would strap a tent and some supplies to the back of my Harley and go away for the weekend. After a few years, we got married, and eventually, our daughter was born.
“It didn’t take long for us to realize, we were hooked on camping.”
Tom Babon